Pleasure Network’s metaverse, Pleasureland, is the first metaverse truly created for an interactive adult experience, bringing Web3 to virtual worlds.
We’re excited to announce our partnership with AZTEQ Metaverse, making Pleasureland a featured location within their groundbreaking metaverse, Life.
Inside Pleasureland is the Pink Tower—a 3D virtual, large-scale world, constructed on the blockchain as a data structure of pure pleasure. Use your Pleasure Pad and Pink Dolls any way you choose.
Pleasure Coin ($NSFW) is the main currency, giving you the power to trade, rent out your space, or even lease your Doll to earn rewards. This world is yours to discover and the Pink Tower is your very own homebase.
Visit to learn about AZTEQ Metaverse and for more info on their impressive tech, check out their Whitepaper.
The Pink Tower
This world is yours to discover and the Pink Tower is your very own homebase. The 1st building in the Pleasureland metaverse and limited to only 3105 Pleasurepad NFT assets.
Pink Pass: Your ticket to ride in Pleasureland. Only 690 Pink passes were minted. Giving you decision making power, early access, social rewards, & more.
Pink Dolls: Only 1380 Pink dolls will be minted. Party with & have sex with your pink dolls or earn $NSFW while others have fun with them.